Riddle me this, Jack

Okay, here's the thing. On the one hand, you have all these chuckleheads trying to talk about Miranda rights and terrorism, talking smack about the FBI(*) and wanting these suspects whisked away and taken to Jack fucking Bauer for some heavy BDSM(**).

The on the other hand, you have "The First 48". Are you trying to tell me that a bunch of Law and Order rethuglicans don't know that every day city po-lice be getting confessions out of dumb-fuck suspects who ARE ALREADY MIRANDIZED. Something like 90% conviction rate or better. Republicans are so full of shit.

(*) The FBI had the intel on 9/11, the data on some of the suspects and could have potentially stopped it. The CIA has a 60+ year record of failure after failure. Yet, 'thuglicans want to take suspects into CIA custody? Hells no!

(**) BDSM. Is anyone shocked that the right wing is fascinated by this?


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